Join the Network


We invite you (regardless of gender) to join our dynamic statewide organization. Now more than ever, help us expand our positive influence on local, state and national elections and educate Kentuckians about what Democrats stand for — true American values. Help us involve thousands of women in the grassroots efforts to improve the lives of women and families by supporting Democratic principles and candidates who abide by those principles.

Remember, when women vote, Democrats win! Be part of the solution, as we reclaim our nation’s great birthright.

Annual membership dues are $30 if paid by check or cash or $35 if paid by credit card.

To pay online with a credit card or via PayPal, please complete the form below and click the Send button to process your $35.00 annual Network membership. If you encounter problems, please be patient while the connection to PayPal is working. You might also try another Internet browser.

If you prefer, you may mail a $30 check payable to Kentucky Women’s Network to P.O. Box 910246, Lexington, KY 40591-0246. Please provide us with your mailing address, email address, and telephone number so we can notify you of programs in your area. We promise not to share your contact information with other organizations and individuals.

I want to join the Kentucky Women’s Network. I am proud to be an advocate for Democratic principles.

    Name (required)

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip (required)

    Phone (required)

    Email (Type if you don't use email)

    Please click "Send" to advance to the payment page.

    Thank you very much for joining The Network!

    Network membership dues are not tax deductible; neither are they considered a donation to KWNPAC (The Kentucky Women’s Network’s Political Action Committee).

    Note: by paying via check, you authorize us, in the event your check is dishonored or returned for any reason, to electronically re-present the check to your bank for collection, plus any applicable fees as permitted by state law.

    The Network encourages high school and college students to join The Network and will waive the annual membership fee. Simply send an email to  with your name, email address, and the name of the school where you are enrolled.