Issues and causes the Network supports
The Network’s 14 Guiding Principles enumerate the values espoused by Network members. Groups advocating for these issues include:
Broad-based advocacy groups:
- KYPolicy is a great source of data and talking points.
- Indivisible
- Bluegrass Activist Alliance
- Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Safety Net
- Kentucky Food Action Network
- Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund – Kentucky
- Kentucky Refugee Ministries
- The Community Response Coalition of Kentucky Inc. (CRCKY). Check out their quadrilingual safety planning page that serves as a “know your rights” for immigrants.
- Neighbors Immigration Clinic
- Kentucky Equal Justice Center
- 3R Fund for Immigrants
Criminal Justice/Safety
Know who represents you and get to know them
US Senate and House of Representatives
- Sen. Mitch McConnell 202 224 2541 or click here
- Ft Wright office: 859 578 0188
- London office: 606 864 2026
- Bowling Green office: 270 781 1673
- Paducah office: 270 442 4554
- Lexington office: 859 224 8286
- Louisville office: 502 582 6304
- DC office: 202 224 2499
- Sen. Rand Paul 202 224 4343 or click here
- Rep. Andy Barr 202-225-4706 or click here
- Call the Congressional switchboard – 202 224 3121
- Download the 5 Calls app to make your calling more efficiently. You’ll find a list of current issues and suggested scripts to make it easy.

Kentucky Legislators
- Call your legislator via the legislative message line at 1-800-372-7181. You can also leave messages for specific committees.
- Contact your legislator via email
- Send an email to all KY legislators: [email protected]
Local government leaders
- School board members
- City Council, County Judge
Track bills; follow the Legislature; contact your Legislator
- Share your opinions with legislators in Frankfort and Washington
- If policies you are advocating align with policies supported by CPI, you may speak on behalf of the Kentucky Women’s Network.
- Sign up for the Fayette Dems newsletter
- Follow the Fayette Dems on Facebook
- Check out the KDP Bad GOP Bills Page
- Visit the Legislative Research Commission website
- Watch KET Live Legislative Coverage