We invite you (regardless of gender) to join our dynamic statewide organization. Now more than ever, help us expand our positive influence on local, state, and national elections and educate Kentuckians about what Democrats stand for — true American values. Help us involve thousands of women in the grassroots efforts to improve the lives of women and families by supporting Democratic principles and candidates who abide by those principles.
Three Ways to Join the Network:
- Pay your annual membership dues online – $35 via ActBlue
- Mail a $30 check payable to Kentucky Women’s Network to P.O. Box 910246, Lexington KY 40591-0246. Please provide your mailing address, email address, and phone number so we can notify you of programs in your area. We promise not to share your contact information with other organizations.
- High school and college students – membership fee is waived. Simply send an email to [email protected] with your name, email address, and the name of the school where you are enrolled.
Network membership dues and contributions to the Network are not tax deductible. Nor are they considered donations to the Kentucky Women’s Network Political Action Committee.
Thank you very much for joining The Network!